Infinity Systems Group, LLC

Information Technology Consulting

Simplifying Complexity

Operations/Sustain Process owner identity and contact information
Process documentation location (host:/path/file)
Change Management Process owner identity and contact information
Process documentation location (host:/path/file)
Build/Release/Deploy Management Process owner identity and contact information
Process documentation location (host:/path/file)
Administrative Finance
Human Resources
Research and Development
Communications Meetings
Contact lists
Conference call details

Software Build and Release Deployment Management (documentation support model)
	Where is the artifact stored?
	Where is the artifact going (host:path/file-name(s))?
	What permissions and ownership should the artifact have?
	What modifications are relevant to the content of the artifact for various environments (dev/qa/staging/prod, etc.).
	Where are those values stored/obtained?
	Where in the artifact do these changes get made?
	Where are logs related to the artifact stored (host:/path/file-name(s))?
	Where is logging configured for the service(s)?
	How is logging configured for the service(s) (what options exist, etc.)?

	Where do the databases reside (what hosts)?
	Where are the credentials stored/obtained to connect to the database?
	What tunnel information (if any) is necessary to connect to the database?

	Host names and IPs.
	Account on hosts.
	Pertinent directories for those hosts.

	On which host(s) do the relevant services reside?
	Where on the host are they (host:/path/name(s))?
	What are the commands, options, and parameters used to start/stop/check the services?
	What are the startup characteristics of the service(s) (should it start on boot, if so, at when run level, if not how)?
	How is the startup configured?
	What account should be used to manipulate the service?
	Where are the logs for the services located (host:/path/file-name(s))?
	Where is logging configured for the service(s)?
	How is logging configured for the service(s) (what options exist, etc.)?

	What ports are in use?
	Are there any tunnel configurations needed to access the database?
	What software is used to configure the tunnel (also, where is it obtained)?
	What configurations are needed in the tunnneling software to establish the tunnel?

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